Technodrome Shredder The Technodrome - Krang

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Toy Reviews
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Toy ReviewedReleasedAuthor
Technodrome1988Bryan Swayn
Ace Duck1989PWDESAI
Ninja Turtle Sewer Playset1989PWDESAI
Knock Off Raphael and Donatello1990'sPWDESAI
Wacky Action: Sword Slicing Leonardo1990PWDESAI
Movie Star Leo1991PWDESAI
Krang's Android Body1991PWDESAI
Movie III Samurai Leo1992PWDESAI
Mutations: Mutatin' Leonardo1992PWDESAI
Supermutant Leonardo1994PWDESAI
Cyber Samurai Leo1994PWDESAI
Metal Mutant Leonardo1995PWDESAI
Sumo Michaelangelo1995PWDESAI
Coil Force: Lickity Split Leonardo1996PWDESAI
Dino TMNT: Ankyl Leo1997PWDESAI
Dino TMNT: Tricera Mike1997PWDESAI
Next Mutation Leonardo1997PWDESAI
Deluxe Turtleflage Dragon Lord1997PWDESAI
Leo's Camo Blitz Cycle1997PWDESAI
Mutant Masters: Leonardo Wind Warrior1997PWDESAI