December 2000

New Type of Fanfic
Posted Wednesday, December 27, 2000, 1:08 AM CST by Shredder
This is my first time posting on what ended up being mostly Krang's newsboard, but it's for good reason. I finally have the time to start working on a new fanfic for the page! If you read a lot of fanfics, this one will also be different because it is going to be a very unique "Choose Your Own Adventure" fanfic about you joining up with Krang and Shredder to stop the Turtles and free the Technodrome! You get to decide what happens and it's up to you if Krang and Shredder succeed or not. It should be done sometime in January, so be sure to look for it. And if you weren't impressed by my first fanfic, don't worry, I promise this one will be a lot better.

Merry Christmas!
Posted Monday, December 25, 2000, 10:56 PM CST by Krang
Merry Christmas everyone!

A Christmas present from The Technodrome!
Posted Sunday, December 24, 2000, 10:44 PM CST by Krang
Just in time for Christmas, I uploaded the first fourteen chapters of a new fanfic! It was written by Aeval and is called Burnt Ice. This story is about a female turtle and her encounters with the TMNT. Be sure to check it out!

New Button
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000, 10:48 PM CST by Krang
I made a new button that can be used to link to our site. Be sure to check it out and let me know what you think!

Another Holiday Special
Posted Friday, December 15, 2000, 8:33 PM CST by Krang
As another holiday bonus, Shredder and I created a rendition of The 12 Days of Christmas. In this song, a bitter Shredder rants about the "gifts" he gets at Christmastime from the Turtles. I put it up in our new Miscellaneous section. Be sure to check it out and let Shredder and me know what you think!

Holiday Graphics
Posted Saturday, December 9, 2000, 9:01 PM CST by Krang
Since Christmas is about two weeks away, I put up a Christmas version of the graphic at the top of the page. If you still see the regular graphic, try reloading the page. Let me know what you think!

Guestbook back up
Posted Thursday, December 7, 2000, 12:11 AM CST by Krang
Our guestbook is now working again. Luckily, all previous entries are still there, but since htmlGEAR/Lycos now owns all GuestWorld guestbooks, they gave the guestbooks a new design, which is not as good as the old design in my opinion... BTW, if you haven't done so yet, be sure to sign it!

New Poll, Previous Poll Results
Posted Monday, December 4, 2000, 10:41 PM CST by Krang
I put up a new poll today, asking which of the given recurring TMNT allies is your favorite. Each of the five choices is a character that appeared in at least two cartoon episodes and joined forces with the TMNT in one way or another. Be sure to vote!

Also, the poll results for the October/November poll are in! According to the results, Krang was voted the TMNT character with the most memorable quotes. Raphael came in a close second, and Michaelangelo and Shredder were not too far behind. The full results for this poll and all other previous polls can be viewed here.

Maintenance in Progress?
Posted Sunday, December 3, 2000, 11:42 PM CST by Krang
Just wanted to let everyone know that our guestbook is temporarily down. Apparently, the servers that host our guestbook are old and need to be replaced. Hopefully, the guestbook will be back up within the next few days, and that all entries will remain intact. If you want to leave feedback about the site, please post a message on our message board instead.

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